Album: Limited Edition 30 - Apr-May 2010
I hear you say tonight
Oh my little babe
Oh you don't need to look at your past and remember your sin
I've washed it all away
As far as the east is from the west
I've removed your sin from you
I've thrown it away in the sea of forgetfulness
I no longer remember it
It is gone
It is gone
You don't need to dwell there any longer
You don't need to dwell there any longer
It's gone
I've washed it clean
My blood is enough
My blood is enough
To wash you
To cleanse you
So forget what is in the past
I don't remember anymore
I've made you new
I've washed you white as snow
I've clothed you in garments of righteousness
I've clothed you in garments of white
You have the victory
I have the victory
I've conquered it
It's no longer there
It's no longer there
You are in me
There is no condemnation anymore
There is no shame anymore
My beloved
I've washed you
I've cleansed you
You are beautiful to me
You are lovely to me
I'm making you ready
I am clothing you in white
My bride
My bride
You need to know tonight
It's all about that wedding day
That's where your focus needs to be
On the day when I return and claim you
This season I am making you ready
I am preparing you for that day
So don't dwell in the past
Look forward
Look forward
Look forward to the future
Look forward to that day
When I come
When I come
When I split the sky
I claim you as my own
We are going to spend eternity together
Eternity together
Eternity together
This is my promise to you my bride
I am making you ready
Just embrace it
I'm making you white as snow
Preparing you to shine
To shine
To shine
To shine
To shine
To shine
To shine
To shine
To shine
To shine
To shine
To shine
My bride
My bride
I can't wait for that day
I can't wait for that day
My bride
We shall become one
We shall become one
Let this be your anchor
Let this be your hope
Let this be your everything
What you are living for
That's what it's all about
It's all about a wedding day to come
To come
You're gonna shine
You're gonna shine
You're gonna shine
In righteousness and in holiness
There's going to be a wedding
It's the reason that I am living
To marry the Lamb
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